Post Date:
06 July 2023

On July 4, the Department of Journalism and Philology of the FРSС of Sumy State University awarded diplomas to the bachelor graduates. The order on awarding a bachelor's degree and deducting students from the number of students was read by the dean of the FРSС, Olena Sushkova.

Diplomas were awarded to almost half a hundred graduates of the "Journalism" and "Advertising and Public Relations" educational programs who received their education in full-time, part-time and distance learning. Five – diplomas with honors! These are Yuriy Kotlyar, Anna Naumenko, Liana Okhrimenko, Maryna Sadymaka, Anatoliy Serdyuk.

Not all graduates were able to share with their fellow students the awe-inspiring moment of receiving a certificate of higher education – the war scattered people: some hundreds, some thousands of kilometers, and some across the ocean. Even those who are now in Sumy, not all were able to attend – one graduate not without disappointment reported that she was not fired from her job.

Those who came – teachers, bachelors, guests – felt a truly family atmosphere: sincerity in words, ease in behavior, frankness in memories.

Lyubov Karpenko, a former graduate of the department of journalism and philology of the FРSС faculty of Sumy State University, and now the director of STS Television, came to share the joy of obtaining an education. Handing over the diplomas, she wished to continue her medical education at Sumy State University. Personally, she has never regretted it.

The graduates were thanked and congratulated by the dean of the faculty Olena Sushkova, teachers and employees of the department Inna Gavrilyuk, Raisa Stoyan, Maryna Sadivnycha, Olena Bondarenko, Yaroslav Yanenko, head of the department Volodymyr Sadivnychіy. The most important wish for today was repeated as a refrain – Victory! So be it…

A wide world of prospects opens up for graduates. And their place in the classrooms will be taken by this year's first-year students, who are thirsty for knowledge. Life goes on! #Mediaspace_leads_to_the_world! Dreams Come True!

Sumy State University,
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