Post Date:
09 September 2019

This school year started unconventionally for the senior schoolchildren of Sumy Gymnasium 1. Accompanied by the Journalism and Philology Department lecturers of Sumy State University, Yuliia Bondarenko and Svitlana Voropai, they have visited Poland. The visit took place within the media education work of the Journalism and Philology Department


The senior pupils took part in a project called “Musiktreffen”. The pupils from Polish and German schools joined the event. As a result of the week-long collaboration, the pupils prepared and presented a concert that took place at the Kwidzyn City Theater, which was attended by representatives of the City Hall and local school administration. After the concert, Polish pupils invited Ukrainian and German friends to their school, where they had an interesting excursion. In addition to working on a collaborative music project, the pupils visited the town of Sopot, where they got acquainted with local sights. They also got to know the history of Poland and other European countries at the Solidarity Museum in the city of Danzig. The candid story of the struggle of Polish people for democracy has amazed all the pupils. Every day, Ukrainian senior pupils reflected their impressions in the materials, which were posted on social networks and on their own channels on YouTube, practicing journalistic skills, which they will be able to improve at Sumy State University in a year.


Sumy State University,
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine,

Main Building, Floor 11

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Tel: +380-542-33-02-25, +380-542-68-78-50



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