Head of the Department of Journalism and Philology at SumDU. Professor, Doctor of Science in social communications, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, guarantor of the third (educational and scientific) level of the programme «Journalism», media expert, member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine
A person with an unusual worldview and world perception, multiplied by a professional journalistic education, will never be without a job...
Position: Head of the Department of Journalism and Philology.
Academic degree, title: Doctor of Science in social communications (2016, speciality 27.00.04 «Theory and History of Journalism») (dissertation, abstract), Associate Professor (2013), Professor (2022) of the Department of Journalism and Philology.
The main disciplines: current concepts of mass media and social and communication relations; up-to-date technologies of mediatisation of scientific activity; journalistic workshops; theory, methodology and practice of journalistic creativity.
Research interests: history, realities and prospects of the modern mass communication space; systems of specialised information and information security of the individual in time of crisis, wars and other social upheavals; specialised media – history and theory; Ukrainian journalism in names.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; phone: +380-542-68-78-50; office: Main Building-1107.
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He was born on the 12th of June in 1966 in the village of Popivka, Konotop district, Sumy region. A journalist by education. He worked in the editorial offices of district ( towns of Bakhmach and Putivl) and regional newspapers (Sumy), as the director of the publishing house «Sobor». He is the author of hundreds of informational, analytical and journalistic publications in diverse types of media. Since 2003, he has been teaching. He has taken part in various internship programmes in the USA, Poland, Romania, Germany, and Sweden. He is a practicing journalist. Media expert.
Education: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 1993, speciality «Journalism».
Diploma of Doctor of Science, 12.05.2016, DD 005468.
Certificate of Professor of the Department of Journalism and Philology, 10.10.2022, AP № 004436.
Certificate of Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism and Philology, 25.04.2013, 12DC № 035112.
Diploma of Candidate of Sciences, 08.07.2009, DK № 053755.
Diploma of graduation from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, speciality «Journalism», 21.06.1993. KM № 017116.
Research works:
Historical Development of the Frontier of North-Eastern Ukraine as a means of сonstructing a national model of historical memory, 2015-2017 (State budget research: № 15.01.10-10.15/17.ZF). Performer.
Nominative and identification functions of the state language as a mechanism for human and nation development in the context of resistance to manipulative influences (basic science financing, 2021, contract № BF/23-2021). Project manager.
Carrying out a book research «Trostyanets: sketches of history» with the preparation of the acquired materials for printing. Customer – City Council of Trostyanets, 2016 (contractual work: № 54.16-01.15.SP). Project manager.
Conducting a book research «Boromlia: Pages of History» with preparation of the received materials for publication’. Customer - the amalgamated territorial community of Boromlia, 2019-2020 (contractual work: № 54.16-2019.SP/03). Project manager.
Performer of research works in the afternoon: «Socio-linguistic conceptuality of the Ukrainian national idea in the modern media», 2004–2009 (state registration number 0107U001609); «Representation of regional mass communication: historical and theoretical, thematic and typological, genre and philological aspects», 2010–2014 (state registration number 0110U004016); «Features of shaping the national information space of Ukraine: from the Soviet media system to the democratic model», 2015–2021 (state registration number 0115U001713); «Modern mass communication space: background, realities, prospects», 2021–2025 (state registration number 0121U111164).
Commemoration of the Russian-Ukrainian war in the system of state humanitarian policy: creation of a sustainable model of consolidation of Ukrainian society (basic science funding, 2021, contract № BF/23-2021). Project manager.
Work with postgraduate students and applicants:
Supervision for postgraduate students: Kateryna Izotova, Lyubov Karpenko.
Supervision of defended dissertations:
- Tetiana Korzhova – Professional training of public relations specialists in higher education institutions of Ukraine, speciality 27.00.06 – Applied Social and Communication Technologies, 29.05.2019 (abstract);
- Oleksiy Fomytsa – Psychoacoustic influence on mass consciousness in the socio-communication system of society, speciality 27.00.01 – Theory and History of Social Communications, 18.06.2020 (abstract);
- Bohdan Synchak – «Deontology of journalistic activity: challenges, dilemmas, trends». Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the speciality 061 «Journalism». –Sumy State University, 30.05.2023.
Participation in the certification of scientific specialists:
- Member of the Specialised Academic Council for the awarding of the degree of Doctor of Sciences D 26.001.34 (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv);
- Chairman and member of non-permanent specialised councils for defence of dissertations for the obtaining of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the speciality 061 Journalism (Sumy State University);
- Member of one-time specialised councils for the conduction of the defence of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the speciality 061 Journalism (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv).
Main scientific works:
Encyclopedias, collections, indexes:
- Sadivnychyi, V. Medical periodical. Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine. Vol. 20: «Medichna» – «Mikoyan» / edited by: I. M. Dzyuba, M. G. Zheleznyak, etc.; Institute of Encyclopedic Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Shevchenko Scientific Society. Kyiv, 2018. P. 68–70.
- Dissent in Sumy Oblast. Collection of documents and materials (1955–1990) / edited by: Artyukh V. O., Ivanushchenko H. M., Sadivnychyi V. O. Sumy: VVP «Mriya-1» LLC, 2012. 300 p.
- Medical periodicals and continuing editions of Dnieper Ukraine (1860–1920): index / comp. V. O. Sadivnychyi, N. M. Sydorenko, A. M. Volobuyeva. Sumy: Sumy State University, 2015. 272 p.
- Sadivnychyi, V. «Revival starts with transparency...» Medical Press of Naddnipryanska Ukraine in the Second Half of the XIX – early XX century. Dnipropetrovsk «Serednyak T. K.» 2015. 360 p.
- Sadivnychyi, V. Specialized Medical Information Space: History and Principles of Formation. Development trends of philological sciences: collective monograph. Lviv-Toruń: Liha-Pres, 2019. P. 213–233. (SENSE).
- Sadivnychiy V., Sushkova O. The contribution of the representatives of the Sumy region to the development of the medical press of Trans-Dnieper Ukraine in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Regional determinants of the formation of social elites and their influence on the processes of nation- and state-building in Ukraine. Sumshchyna: monograph. Sumy: «Trytoriya», 2024. P. 136–152.
- Sadivnychyi V. The main thing is to think / Ukrainian_Information_Security: Philological Component : monograph / I. Zhilenko, etc.; Under the general editorship V. Sadivnychyi. Sumy: Sumy State University, 2024. P. 7–12.
- Volodymyr Sadivnychyi, Olena Bondarenko, Iryna Zhylenko, Nataliia Prokopenko, Vladyslav Nizhehorodtsev and Inna Kucherenko, 2020. The development of interactive teaching methods for students using computer technology. International Journal of Management (IJM). Volume: 11, Issue: 6, Pages: 1002–1011.
- Olena Tkachenko, Volodymyr Sadivnychyi, Iryna Zhylenko, Inna Havryliuk, Irina Virchenko, Nataliya Poplavska, Olga Peleshok, 2020. MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS OF ENTERPRISES. International Journal of Management (IJM). Volume: 11, Issue: 7, Pages: 293–302.
- Sadivnychyi V., Zhylenko I., Bondarenko O., Nizhehorodtsev V., Prokopenko N., Kucherenko I. The influence of computer technology on the development of interactive teaching methods for students. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. Vol. 99. No. 04. 2021. P. 849–856. (Scopus).
- Bessarab A. , Sadivnychyi V., Ilchenko A., Ripka G., Shaposhnikova V., Tainel E. Development of Students’ Research Activity During Studying at Higher Education Institutions. Innovation in the Economy and Society of the Digital Age. Vol. 39 No. 5. 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25115/eea.v39i5.4866 (Scopus).
- Sadivnychyi, V., Nazarov, M. S., Lebid, A. E., Shevchenko, N. A. People’s information security during a pandemic and in the post-pandemic period as a systemic phenomenon in terms of their protectedness. International Journal of Media and Information Literacythis link is disabled, 2021, 6(1), стр. 193–200. DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2021.1.193 (Scopus).
- Prokopenko О., Sadivnychyi V., Batyrbekova Z., Omelyanenko V., Kostynets Y., Iankovets T. (2022). The role of digital (social) media in the management of innovation projects at the company and self-employment levels. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice. Vol. 4 (45). P. 165-174. DOI: 10.55643/fcaptp.4.45.2022.3827 (WOS).
- Medvid Olena, Vashyst Kateryna, Sushkova Olena, Sadivnychyi Volodymyr, Malovana Nina, Shumenko Olha (2022). US Presidents’ Political Speeches as a Means of Manipulation in 21st Century Society. WISDOM. Yerevan: Armenian State Pedagogical University, 2022. 3(2). P. 144–156. DOI: 10.24234/wisdom.v3i2.859 (Scopus).
- Yevtushenko, O., Kovalova, T., Sadivnychyi, V., Zhylenko, I., & Bondarenko, O. (2022). Overcoming Post-truth Challenges: Is journalism education successful in Ukraine?.Amazonia Investiga,11(57), 100-110. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.57.09.11 (WoS).
- Kostusiak, N., Shulska, N., Sadivnychyi, V., Sydorenko, N ., Zdikhovska, T., Iovkhimchuk, N., Bondarenko, O. (2023). Metaphorization in the Ukrainian media discourse in 2022-2023: external factors, dynamic processes, communicative and intentional dimensions. Ad Alta-Journal Of Interdisciplinary Research, 13(2), 40-46 (WoS).
- Sadivnychyi V. Medical press of the first world war period: construction of social reality. Obraz: scientific journal, 2023. Issue 2 (42). P. 69–76. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21272/Obraz.2023.2(42)-69-76 (фахове видання).
- Shulska N., Kostusiak N., Bukina N., Kyryliuk O., Zinchuk R., Afanasieva O., Levchenko T., V. Sadivnychyi, Baranova S., Medvid O. Peculiarities of “Unified News” Television Broadcasting: (Non)Adherence to Professional Standards, Language and Ethical Norms. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. 2024. Vol. 14, Issue 1, Spec. Issue XL. P. 82–88. URL : https://www.magnanimitas.cz/ADALTA/140140/papers/A_14.pdf. (WoS).
Authorship certificates:
Certificate of registration of copyright in the work «Theory of the origin and formation of the specialised medical press of Ukraine» / Sadivnychyi Volodymyr Oleksiiovych; applicant and owner Sumy State University – № 109706; application. 2021-10-19; registered on 2021-11-22 in the State register of certificates of copyright registration.
International activity:
- «Crossmedia und Qualitats journalismus» – EU Tempus IV project, № 530599-TEMPUS, 2012-2015.
- «Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism» – EU Erasmus+ project, № 598964-EPP-1-2018-1-UK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, 2018-2022. Programme manager - University of Bath Spa (UK).
- Advanced training (last 5 years):
- Sumy State University, thematic direction «Supervision of scientific work of applicants for the third level of higher education for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy» (certificate of the SN № 05408289/2943-20 from 10.12.2020).
- Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages, English (Level B2 № 000122646 from 11.04.2017).
- «Train The Trainer» (Certificate of Excellence Interlink Academy International Dialogue and Journalism dated 25.11.2018).
- Train for Trainers on K2 capacity building (Erasmus+, certificate № TFT0020 dated 4.12.2019)
- «Expert in accreditation of educational programmes» (National Agency of Higher Education Quality Assurance, certificate dated 13.12.2019).
Participation in editorial committees: editor of the scientific professional journal «Obraz»; member of the editorial board of the scientific professional journal «Philological Treatises», member of the editorial board of the electronic scientific journal «Integrated Communications».
Reviewing and expertise:
- expertise of the QS World University Rankings: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023;
- World Journalism Education Council, «Identity and Ethics in Journalism Education», 2016;
- expert on monitoring of print and online publications of the IDPO project ‘Media programme in Ukraine’.
Other activities:
- Member of the sectoral expert council (061 Journalism) of the NAQA.
- Member of the Coordination Council for the development of the ‘Humanities and Arts’ scientific stream at Sumy State University.
- Chairman of the Board of Examiners in the speciality 061 ‘Journalism’ at Sumy State University.
- Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU).
- Chairman of the Board of the Sumy Regional Organisation of the NUJU.
- Media expert at the Institute of Democracy named after Pylyp Orlyk.
- Diploma of the Secretariat of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (2006).
- Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2007).
- Acknowledgement of the National Union of Local Lore of Ukraine (2010).
- Acknowledgement of the Department of Education and Science of Sumy City Council (2012).
- Diploma of the Sumy Regional Organisation of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (2016).
- Diploma of the Department of Education and Science of the Sumy Regional State Administration (2020).
- Acknowledgement of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2023).
- Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2023).